SCSM 2012 – Step by Step Basic Upgrade from SCSM 2010

System Center Service Manager 2010 Upgrade to 2012.

In System Center Service Manager you can upgrade from one Version to the next newer one. In this example i show a possible way to upgrade from SCSM 2010 to SCSM 2012. Upgrades from SCSM 2012 to SCSM 2012 SP1 and from SCSM 2012 SP1 to SCSM 2012 R2 work similar.

Before you beginn, you should perform a backup of your SCSM 2010 Databases and Backup Keys

Backup of the System Center Service Manager Database

Open the SQL Server Management Studio and connect to your SCSM Management Server Database.

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Klick the Backup Task for the Management Server Database:

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Configure the Backup and click OK:

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Close the Management Studio after the job ran successfully:

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Backup of the System Center Service Manager encryption key

To Back Up the Encryption Key manually, start the Tool „SecureStorageBackup“ from the SCSM iso of the correct SCSM Version.


Backup the Key, choose a path and set a password:

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Backup of the System Center Service Manager Data Warehouse Databases

Back Up the Datawarehouse Database, just as you did with the Management Server Database.


Backup of the System Center Service Manager Data Warehouse encryption Key

Back Up the Key in the same way on the Data Warehouse Server like you did before on the Management Server.



Upgrade SCSM 2010 to SCSM 2012

Upgrade the Datawarehouse Server first!

On the SCSM 2010 Datawarehouse Server, move to the file: „C:Program FilesMicrosoft System CenterService Manager 2010 Microsoft.Mom.ConfigServiceHost.exe“, open it with an editor and add the following after the line <runtime>:


<generatePublisherEvidence enabled=“false“/>

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Without correctly editing this file, you will be unable to do the upgrade because a System Center Service will not be handled correctly.



Start the SCSM 2012 Setup Wizard and klick Upgrade Service Manager Data Warehouse Management Server

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Prepare for the upgrade if not already done:


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Fill out the Registration information properly:

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Checking for Requirements:

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We know this from a fresh install:

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Check the SQL configuration. It should be found automatically.

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Set and test the AD reporting service account:

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Set the Analysis Services information. Should be found automatically:

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Set and test the AD Analysis Services service Account:

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Participate or not:

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Set your Update configuration:

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Check the summary and then klick install:

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Installing time is coffee time!

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… And even more Coffee time …

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Upgrade the Management Server after the Datawarehouse was upgraded successfully

On the SCSM 2010 Management Server, move to the file: „C:Program FilesMicrosoft System CenterService Manager 2010 Microsoft.Mom.ConfigServiceHost.exe“, open it with an editor and add the following after the line <runtime>:

<generatePublisherEvidence enabled=“false“/>

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Without correctly editing this file, you will be unable to do the upgrade because a System Center Service will not be handled correctly.


Start the SCSM 2012 Setup Wizard and klick on Upgrade Service Manager Management Server

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Depending on your environment you will, of course, choose to enter a product key:

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Coffee Time again!

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… After that you are done and have finally upgraded your System Center Service Manager 2010 to 2012




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