Installing the Service Manager Management Server
- Create a Service Manager Admin Group in AD. Call it, for example, SM_Admins
- Create a Service Account in AD for the Service Manager Service, for example SM_Services
- Create a Service Account in AD for the Service Manager Workflow, for example SM_Workflow
- Install ReportViewer on the SCSM Management Server
You can find it under „amd64Prerequisites“ on the SCSM iso.
- A SQL Server and an instance for the Service Manager Databases is needed.
Install the Service Manager management server – Step by Step
- Run the setup.exe on the SCSM iso
Choose Service Manager Management Server:
Enter Product Key or install as Trial:
Change or leave the default Location:
A Memory Warning, but it still works:
Configure your SQL Server Instance:
Choose a Management Group Name and pick your AD Service Manager Admin Group
Use the Service Manager Service Account:
Use the Service Manager Workflow Account:
Participate or not, depending on your environment:
Enable automatic Updates, depending on your environment:
Read the Summary for your System Center Service Manager 2012 R2 Installation:
Watch the beautiful animated install screen: 🙂
This will take a while ………… Coffee Time!
Backup the System Center Service Manager encryption key
When install finishes, check the upper checkbox and close.
The Wizard starts automatically:
Choose Backup the Encryption Key:
Provide the location:
Provide a top secret password and store it at a safe place 🙂
Click Finish to complete!
After installing the Management Server you can go on and install the Datawarehouse Server.
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